School Calendar 2023

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Academic Calendar 2024-25

Academic Calendar 2024-25


               GIIS ADMISSION

GIIS is now accepting enrollees for A.Y 2024-25.

Upcoming Activities

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Morning Assembly

All students assemble at the ground or assembly hall and begin their day with a prayer. This is followed by the morning exercise, news reading, thought of the day, speech, etc. The flow of an assembly program is usually planned by school students taking turns, grade-wise under the guidance of their teacher.

 Morning assembly is a very important part of school culture. It helps to strengthen the way a school works. It also helps students to gather a lot of energy to do well and be good in their day. The program of the assemblies has the potential to nurture and maintain a positive, healthy school culture that binds everyone together. It also helps students from different classes to interact with each other and bridges the gaps of seniority-juniority between them. The assemblies by and large are generally well planned and carefully conducted, putting a lot of light on various aspects of school activities and culture. They make sure that the goals and objectives of morning assembly are not taken for granted and all efforts are made to meet those objectives. It has some objectives that are beneficial for both students and teacher.

Please click link below for the assembly photos:

Loy Krathong Assembly

Gandhi Jayanti Assembly

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