School Calendar 2023

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Academic Calendar 2024-25

Academic Calendar 2024-25


               GIIS ADMISSION

GIIS is now accepting enrollees for A.Y 2024-25.

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Middle School

Grades VI - VIII

At our upper primary stage, integration of Science and Technology, bringing Mathematics closer to life and the introduction of integrated thematic approaches to teaching of Social Sciences, are some of the new elements of the curriculum.

  • Languages: emphasis is placed on developing all skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking.
  • Science and Technology: the focus is on developing the key concepts which cut across all the disciplines of science and on encouraging learners to improvise simple equipment and design experiments.
  • Social Science: emphasis is placed on the processes of learning and developing academic and social skills rather than mere acquisition of facts.

Subject at the Middle School Level

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Information Technology
  • Social Science
  • Hindi
  • French
  • Thai
  • Chinese
  • Music, Art and Craft, Physical Education and Sports and activities are included in the timetable to make sure that concealed talents are developed.

Number of Students Class Wise


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