School Calendar 2023

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Academic Calendar 2024-25

Academic Calendar 2024-25


               GIIS ADMISSION

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"Gandhi Jayanti: A Day for Second-hand Giving"

Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated on October 2nd each year, marks the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, a global symbol of non-violence and selflessness. Today, Globalians, with the lead of SEWA students, paid homage to his legacy through acts of service and charity to Baan Nokkamin Foundation.

One beautiful way to honour Gandhi's teachings on simplicity and selflessness is by donating second-hand items. This act helps declutter our homes and serves a noble purpose. Instead of throwing away or hoarding unused possessions, they can find new life and purpose in the hands of those in need.

The Baan Nokkamin Foundation is a Christian charitable organisation dedicated to supporting and guiding orphans, street children, underprivileged youth, the elderly, and individuals struggling with drug addiction. Their mission is to empower and transform the lives of these individuals, equipping them with emotional strength and resilience better to prepare them for a brighter future in society.

It's a simple yet powerful way to follow in Gandhi's footsteps, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility for the less fortunate.

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