School Calendar 2023

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Academic Calendar 2024-25

Academic Calendar 2024-25


               GIIS ADMISSION

GIIS is now accepting enrollees for A.Y 2024-25.

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School Annual Camp

Discover, Explore, Thrive: Where Every Adventure Becomes a Lesson, and  Every Lesson Becomes an Adventure!

"Step out of your comfort zone; that's where the magic happens, the ordinary
becomes extraordinary, and every moment is a chapter in the book of adventure."

Welcoming the gateway of excitement, where learning transcends the boundaries
of classrooms and discovery takes centre stage – our Annual Adventurous School
Camp was for three days from 16 November 2023 to 18 November 2023 to Pa
Ngam Adventure and Team Building Center. One of the key benefits of our school camp is the promotion of teamwork and collaboration through activities such as ‘one direction’, ‘detective challenge’, ‘fear factor’, and ‘surprise!!’. Campers also enjoyed the masquerade camp night’. Away from the familiar confines of the school environment, students found themselves relying on one another to navigate challenges and overcome obstacles. Our school camp is not just an escape from the familiar but a purposeful venture into the realm of adventure and self-discovery. Nestled in the heart of nature, this annual expedition promises an immersive experience that goes beyond textbooks and exams, offering students a unique opportunity to learn and thrive in an environment where the great outdoors becomes both a playground and a classroom.

This isn't just a camp; it's a transformative adventure that challenges the mind,
builds resilience, and fosters bonds that last a lifetime.

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