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Academic Calendar 2024-25

Academic Calendar 2024-25


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Math Quiz

       Maths quiz is a brief assessment used in education to measure growth in knowledge , abilities , and skills. It helps to enhance the interest in the students towards the subject and also creates a conductive environment to work in groups outside the classroom.
“ MATHEMATICS is not about numbers , equations , computations and algorithms : it is about UNDERSTANDING” William Paul Thurston.

A little competition can inspire math students to greater achievement. It challenges students to use their math skills in new and creative ways. It also provides a challenging and engaging mathematical experience [that] is both competitive and educational.
As a part of extended learning Maths Quiz was conducted in our school on 28/9/2017. Students of all houses from Grade 2 to Grade 9 participated in the Quiz. Each house was divided into 5 sections- Section 1 & 2 was conducted by T. Amrapali, Section 3, 4 & 5 was conducted by T. Sibi .

There were three rounds –Joy in Mathematics, Flex your Brain, Mathematical terms. Every question carried one mark each and there were time constraints for each round. The Main objective of the quiz was to encourage children to look beyond their textual knowledge and relieve the tension of their daily work routine. Children had a good team spirit wherein “small to big” all students were busy and giving tough fight to make their team win.

Our Principal Sopa sittisruang , and teacher Shikha Rastogi were the judges. Teachers as well as students were gathered in the auditorium, and the rules and regulations were explained . After a tough fight , first position was bagged by Hibiscus house , second by Sunflower and third by Orchid. Dukkie (G2) and Suviyan (G2) was selected as the Best Boy and Best Girl of junior section . Akshaaya (G5) and Ray (G5) was selected as the Best Boy and Best Girl of senior section. Later on certificates were awarded to the winning team and students .

Experience says learning mathematics can be made easier and enjoyable if our curriculum includes mathematical activities and games. Maths Quiz encourages , attracts, alerts and brings in an open-minded attitude among youngsters which helps them to develop clarity in their thinking.

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